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Snowy Sandias

Available Services

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

We perform Phase I Environmental Site Assessments which are commonly required in property transactions and site closures. We are experienced in performing ESAs to ASTM1527-13 and ASTM2247-16 for rural properties. Schedule a Phase I ESA today!


Many buildings build between the early 1940s and 1981 have a likelihood of being constructed with asbestos containing material (ACM).  Our team of certified experts can help with inspection and testing for ACMs.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessments

When petroleum hydrocarbons, metals, volatile organics, and various other contaminants are present on site, a Phase II environmental site assessment is used to delineate the extent of contamination present at the site. Sendero is experienced in all aspects of a Phase II ESA, following ASTM1903-19, including: sample collection, submitting samples for laboratory analysis, data analysis, and preparing reports for one time events and for long term monitoring.

Water Quality Sampling and Monitoring

Our highly experience staff has extensive experience samping and monitored groundwater and surface water quality. from long term monitoring projects to annual inspections and 

Landfill Gas Monitoring

Sendero has been monitoring landfill gas sites in Albuquerque from the beginning of the company. our team has extensive experience monitoring for landfill gas, installing landfill monitoring wells and vapor points, oversight on dig and haul activities, and more.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Services

Sendro provides UAV, drone, services ranging from up to date aerial photographs, and asset management to project updates and volumetric analysis of stockpiles.


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